RePrEsEnTaTiOn oF WoMeN..iN sLaShA..

Saturday, November 18, 2006

SeLf eVaLuATiOn..

I think I have understood most of the content taught so far. I think however I could read over my notes and handouts to get a better understanding of the topics dicussed. And alossocontribute more in class.

I feel i do put alot of effort into my work this year, especially media.

I am always on time to lesons. :)

Submission & quality of homework...2
I have failed to hand in 2 piecs of work this year, however I do make sure that it is all done even if it is late..

Ability to work independently...2
I feel as though my independant work has shown alot more this year, however I prefer working in a group as it is muc hmore motivating.

Quality of writing... 2
I do try to express my writting, however this isnt always how it seems.

Organisation of media folder...1
I would give myself a 1. this is because i keep two media books (one for mr munro and another for mr bush), not folders and i stick my work in. this is so that i do not lose any handout. it is also a good idea because it's easier to revise from.

Oral contributions in class... 2
I think i do contribute in class, more so than i did last year however i think i could contribute more often and frequant.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

aSiDe ReSeArCh..

DiFFeReNT FiLm$ WhIcH sHoW $oMe $oRT oF pRe$eNTaTiOn oF wOmEn!

cHaRLiEs AnGeLs -
- Taking orders from a man..Charlie
- Retro- sexism: set in the 60's and 70's and still under the rulling of men.
- Three women, independant women!
- Conforming to the male gaze.

- Her motive is a man. Wants to go out and kill 'BILL'
- Retro - sexism
- Conforms to typical male gaze! Laura Mulvey.

ThE AcCuSeD -
- First indication of rape from a womans point of view.
- We see sexuall activity taking place.
- We are forced to not believe the lady because of her background. She conforms to the male gaze, by the way that she was dressed the night of the attack.
- We see at the end the actuall incident which allows the veiwer to make a decision on whether she was conniving towards the man.
- Typically, women are shown to be manipulating and conniving towards men. However in thr end as a resolution the devious woman is killed.
- This is not the case in 'The Accused'.

ThOmB RaiDeR -
- Lara Croft - Angelina Jolie is shown to be very controling over men in the audience.
- She conforms to the male gaze.
- Showing a girls sexuallity. Things women have and men don't! Forcing the men to fetishize over them!

PeEpiNg ToM -
- We see this film in a scopaphilic perspective.
- The lead character is portrayed in a sympathitic light.
- ' It's difficult to imagine the effect that this film had on critics and audiences when first shown as in the 90's we have become desensitized by the violence and cruelty of slasher movies.'
- Shows violence towards women. Objectifying them..

cReEp -
- Strong minded female.
- However the reason she ended up in this mess, was because of her motiv..Tom Cruise..a man.
- Not conforming to the male gaze.

LiFe iS SwEeT -
- Presents a realistic point of view of typical British women.
- Showing gritty realism.
- Tackeling female issues. e.g: loosing weight.

ThULmA aNd LoUiSe-
- About two men who leave there husbands and go on a road trip.

- Equal to men.
- The man want the woman..But she wont give in. Cales him a 'Sucker'

ThE DeScEnT -
- Everyone is a woman.
- The only man was at the begining however he was killed off.
- The three women all die in the end.

MeAn GiRLs -
- The girls are all shown to be typical bitchy girls.
- In the end however all is good and the girls are not fighting. They get along.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006