RePrEsEnTaTiOn oF WoMeN..iN sLaShA..

Saturday, November 18, 2006

SeLf eVaLuATiOn..

I think I have understood most of the content taught so far. I think however I could read over my notes and handouts to get a better understanding of the topics dicussed. And alossocontribute more in class.

I feel i do put alot of effort into my work this year, especially media.

I am always on time to lesons. :)

Submission & quality of homework...2
I have failed to hand in 2 piecs of work this year, however I do make sure that it is all done even if it is late..

Ability to work independently...2
I feel as though my independant work has shown alot more this year, however I prefer working in a group as it is muc hmore motivating.

Quality of writing... 2
I do try to express my writting, however this isnt always how it seems.

Organisation of media folder...1
I would give myself a 1. this is because i keep two media books (one for mr munro and another for mr bush), not folders and i stick my work in. this is so that i do not lose any handout. it is also a good idea because it's easier to revise from.

Oral contributions in class... 2
I think i do contribute in class, more so than i did last year however i think i could contribute more often and frequant.


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