RePrEsEnTaTiOn oF WoMeN..iN sLaShA..

Monday, October 30, 2006

..HmM..BoOk ReSeArCh..

i no today is the last day for this work to kinda be due..BUT sir..before you start..i didnt have internet for AGES..and it just got back today! how lucky?!..
ok ok..heres my books that iv found that have relation in even the simplest way to my essay question..
ok..theres not 10..but iv looked at them in pretyy much detail..even bought 2 of them cos they wernt for renting out :


- Name: 'Women and the Women's movement in Britain'..

- First Edition: 1992

- Reprinted: 1993, 1996

- Second Edition: 2000

- Published by: Mac Millan Press LTD, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21 6XS and London, Companies and Representations throughout the world.

- Notes: 'Women in recent years have been the undermining of traditional assumptions about the separate spheres inhabited by the two sexes in British society'


- Name: 'British Historical Cinema'

- Edited By: Claire Monk And Amy Sargeant

- Other books in series that i would like to read..: British Crime Cinema..British Horror Cinema..

- Published by: De Montford University


- Name: 'Film As Ethnography'

- Edited By: Peter Ian Crawford and David Turton

- Published By: Manchester University Press


- Name: 'Crime Films'

- Produced By: Thomas Leitch

- Published By: The Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge


- Name: 'From Reverence To Rape. The treatment of women in the movies'

- Produced By: Molly Haskell

- Second Edition


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